Top Tips For Selecting the Perfect Tile For Every Tiling Job
The size of the tiles is one of the key elements of any successful tiling job. If you choose a tile that’s too small for your room then you could end up making it seem larger than it is, but choose a tile that’s too large and it could go the other way. Generally speaking walls are quite well suited to small tiles, especially when it comes to tiling bathrooms and kitchens, while floors look great in a multitude of large tiles. Borders are a way to get a mix of sizes too.
It might sound obvious but the material of the tile you pick will help to create a certain look for your room. Travertine, glass and marble are some of the fantastic natural tile materials which are the ideal solution for anyone looking to create an expensive look and are ideal for modern kitchens, whereas simple tiles like Laura Ashley Tiles are great for creating simple lines in clean bathrooms. On the other hand, glass mosaic tiles are perfect for creating a unique talking point and can really help to get your creative juices flowing.
The texture and surface of the tile is also an important aspect which should be considered when choosing tiles. Natural materials like stone, granite and slate have a reputation for having organic, rough textures which makes them unsuitable for projects like bathroom walls. However, some man-made materials can form tiles which are slippy especially when wet which means they’re highly unsuitable for surfaces which get wet often e.g. bathroom floors. Other factors which need to be considered when looking at tile materials include water-resistance and how easy it is to clean.
Tile prices and durability are two of the major aspects which will definitely affect your tile decision. New, shiny tiles …
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