How to Remove Wallpaper from Plaster
When you’re wondering how to remove wallpaper from plaster, you’re probably wondering how to perforate layers of paper or paint before attempting to pull it off. There are a few ways to do so, including scoring, perforating, and using PIRANHA Gel. The process will depend on the type of plaster you’re working with, but the general concept is the same: Perforate layers of paper or paint, remove them one at a time, and make sure not to pull the plaster!
Dry stripping
While dry stripping wallpaper is not as difficult as wet stripping, the task is still not an easy one. Depending on the type of wallpaper, you may need to soak the walls to loosen the glue. If the wallpaper is porous, you will need to soak it for about ten minutes, while non-porous wallpapers do not need to be soaked. Depending on the size of the room, you can try different methods, such as scoring or spraying. When you begin stripping, be sure to turn off the electricity and work in four-foot-wide sections. This way, you won’t have to worry about over-soaking your walls.
To remove painted-on wallpaper, the easiest way to start is by scoring the paper. Scoring allows water, steam, or a stripper to penetrate and soften the old wallpaper paste. You can use a scoring tool like the Stanley Max Orbital Wallpaper Scorer to give even scoring throughout the paper. If you don’t have a scoring tool, a Stanley knife or scissors will do the trick. Before applying the new wallpaper, you should apply an acrylic primer.
Removing wallpaper can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. Perforating plaster is one of the easiest ways to remove wallpaper. Before beginning, prepare your working area. Get a garbage pail and a ladder …
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